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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Platinum Engagement Ring or White Gold Engagement Ring? Let's Look At The Differences

What are the differences between white gold and platinum? This is one of the most frequent questions I get in my inbox. If you are shopping for an engagement ring and know that your special lady doesn't want yellow gold, then you are left choosing between platinum and white gold. There are some major differences between the two metal, so let's have a closer look.

First, let's look at exactly white gold is. Oddly enough, it isn't actually "white". White gold is actually the same gold used in yellow gold, but is mixed with other metals such as alloy and zinc to give it a white appearance. As well, white gold is then plated with another white metal - rhodium. This is done to give it an ever whiter appearance.

White gold actually has a tinge of yellow to it (especially if mixed with nickel) or a greyish tinge (often found is mixed with palladium). When the white gold is plated with rhodium, it gets a much crisper and whiter appearance. Rhodium has properties somewhat similar to platinum, however this plating will wear off. You will need to get the white gold replated about every 12-24 months. There are some people who don't mind the natural look of white gold so they never need to get it replated, however most people prefer the whiter look. This is very inexpensive, but the ring will be out of your hands for at least a few days. Platinum gets it fame from being the most durable metal out there. Platinum is very resistant to damage - it will literally last a lifetime. It is also a dense metal which means it is heavier than white gold.

Unlike white gold, Platinum does not need to be plated with anything. You will never have to take it in for replating. It does requite polishing from time to time though, otherwise it can get a "matte" or somewhat dull look to it. Some people also feel platinum starts to get a greyish look until is is polished. Platinum is gonna cost you about three times as much as white gold. It is a rarer metal which is why you can expect to fork out more cash for it. I don't like to recommend one over the other, as it can depend on the person. In terms of looks, I think they are equally beautiful. You have to look at what is important to you.

If money is tight, stick with white gold. You will have to take it in every now and then for replating, but it really isn't that much of a bother. And don't automatically think that because it is cheaper that it isn't as "good" as platinum. It's a beautiful metal - just not quite as strong as platinum. If you want a ring that is truly going to last a lifetime(maybe you want to pass it down to future generations) I suggest going with platinum. You also won't have to worry about taking it in as often as white gold which some people find to be a huge upside.

It is also a good idea to go and have a look at the two metals in person. Can you spot any difference? If so, do you prefer the look of one over the other? Of course you will also have to find the most important part of your ring - the diamond! I can save you a lot of money on that part of the ring - just go read the guide I put together on buying a diamond. You can find it on my website.