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Friday, May 11, 2007

Diamond Pricing - Are Diamonds A Good Value In Today's Market?

If your diamond was purchased in 1970, and it was a D color, and flawless, and weighed 1.00 carat, you probably paid around $3500.00 for it. If you purchased that same diamond in 1980, you would have paid $63,000.00 for it. The same diamond, if purchased today (2007) would be around $23,000.00. These prices are based on the purchase being made in a retail jewelry store and not from the internet.

Looking at the above prices, you can see that there has been a steady increase in prices since 1970 with the exception of 1980. From $3500.00 to $23,000.00 is about a 650% increase. This is about the same increase as gas prices for the same period in the US.

If we look at 1970 to 1980 we see a jump of around 1800%. What happened? From 1979 to 1981 diamonds were being sold as investments. Consumers were being told that top quality diamonds were in short supply and would continue to rise in price. This was not true. However, consumers continued to purchase them at a record pace and a record price. In 1981 the bottom fell out and the market collapsed. Over the next few years there was an up and down cycle and finally the market settled back to where it would have been had there been no so called investment craze.

Millions of dollars were lost during this crash and many were left holding diamonds that they would never recover their money from. I still do appraisals today on diamonds from that period, and many hope they can recover their $63,000.00 on a stone that is now worth around $23,000.00. And some of them still want to shoot the messenger. (Appraiser)

During this period most of the diamonds were sold with Diamond Grading Reports, or what became known as “Certs”. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) issued most of these. However, other laboratories started to spring up around the world. The top labs issuing grading reports today are GIA, AGS, EGL, and IGI. In my opinion the two that set the world standard today are the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and the American Gem Society (AGS).

When you purchase a diamond in today’s market, whether it is from a retail jeweler, or an internet seller, it should have one of these Grading Reports. Buying on the internet has its advantages. Let’s take the $23,000.00 diamond that we discussed above. This diamond can be found on the internet for around $18,000.00. That’s quite a savings. All you need to do is find the stone that you want, place your order, and in about 2 to 3 days it will be delivered to your front door. If you don’t like it, or it is not what you wanted, most companies have a 30 day return policy.

When buying from a retail jeweler you usually have several choices of stores in your local area which allow you to visit them, and talk to a salesperson face to face. The salesperson should be able to show you several diamonds that meet your criteria and thoroughly explain them to you.

I asked at the beginning if diamonds were a good value in today’s market. My answer is “yes” as long as you’re buying the stone for all the right reasons. The right reasons will be different things to different people. It might be for you to wear yourself, or give as a gift, or the most special of all… to give to that special person as an engagement ring. Just keep in mind that a diamond is bought as an investment in beauty and not as a financial investment.

How To Care Your Rolex Watches

Loupe - or the magnifier, is used to inspect the detailed markings, serial numbers, and anything we couldn't see with our normal vision. When purchasing a jewelers loupe, look for the magnification power (a number with the symbol "X" meaning times the actual size that we would normally see). The best loupe for a Rolex would be the 10x triplet loupe (three lenses placed together for precision).

Screwdriver - used for adding/removing the links of a bracelet, thus resizing the bracelet, etc. Further, we recommend purchasing the standard jewelers "screwdriver set" that usually includes between 6 to 9 screwdrivers with blade sizes ranging from 0.60 (mm) to 3.00 (mm). We also recommend higher-end screwdrivers that have swivel tops for precision one-hand use. These sets typically come in either a plastic case or on a rotating stand for easy access.

Watch Tweezer - used for handling and gripping very small parts, inserting screws, etc.

Swiss Pocket Knife (Swiss Army) - this knife features two blades, including a non-threatening blade that is specifically made to open watch cases and the other sharp blade for general use.

Pliers and Cutter- used for detail and precision work. We recommend high-end pliers that are stainless steel with rubber grips. We highly suggest separating these tools from other use and purposes to avoid any type of damage on them, thus becoming unsuitable for watch works. The following are different types of pliers:

Chain nose pliers - probably the most popular pliers. This is often used for picking up pieces, bending and coiling wire. Also enables you to get into places without having your hand at awkward angles, thus making your work a lot harder. Flat nose pliers - have flat jaws and are used for pulling, holding, straightening, bending, etc. Round nose pliers - have circular jaws and are used for coiling, looping, and bending wires.

Cutter - often called "nippers" are mainly used for cutting wires and other smaller pieces of metal.

Polishing Kit - comes with an assortment of buffers, abrasive wheels, polishing cloths, and polishing compounds.

Watch spring bar removal tool - allows removal of springs on a bracelet allowing the user to change the bracelets/bands. Should also include the mm scale printed on the body of the tool.

"Openall" waterproof-case wrench - designed to open all Rolex oyster cases. It comes with 6 tempered rings and fits the standard bench vise. The built-in adjustable fits all sizes watches.

Case back opening wrench - another easy to use device to open Rolex oyster cases.

L-G "Openall" Waterproof Case Bench Tool - Includes 6 knurled rings, adjustable case holder built into the base.

Horotec Ergonomic Socket-Style Case Back Wrench - opens the hard to open cases.

Work Bench Table Vise - Ideal for use with the Vise-Mounted Aluminum Case Holder, or L-G "Openall" Waterproof Case Bench Tool shown separately on this page.

Vise-Mounted Aluminum Case Holder - Features high quality aluminum and anti-scratch adjustable nylon pins.

Illuminating Magnifying Glass - Best used for examining and magnifying small parts and items. It also contains an internal lamp for simple observation and analysis.

Work Bench Magnifier Lamp - Excellent tool with thoughtful design, contains a: flip down dust cover for the magnifier lens, heavy metal base for stability, flexible gooseneck design for effortless positioning and features a cool-white light to reduce eye fatigue and glare.

Personal Ultrasonic Cleaner - Easily cleans jewelry, watches and bracelets with powerful ultrasonic waves. Uses water or optional cleaning solution.

Understanding Wedding Jewelry & Accessories

Pearls are always the perfect complement to a wedding gown and also symbolize happiness. Pearls come in shades of white , ecru and blush pink and can be chosen to flatter every complexion color. A simple rule of thumb: The more ornate the gown, the simpler the jewelry should be. For an informal or country wedding, a gold or silver locket may be appropriate.

For a high necked gown or on with lots of beading or lace just below the face, a fussy necklace will overdo the look. Instead, make a statement with simple stud earrings or clustered earrings with pearls or crystals chose to match or mirror the beadwork in the gown. Some brides choose to move their engagement ring to the right hand until after the ceremony to make slipping on the wedding ring easier. It's also wise to avoid wearing any ring on the right hand during the receiving line, when it's necessary to shake hands for a long time.

A bride should never feel pressured to wear a piece of heirloom jewelry on her wedding day just because her mother in law or another loved one wants her to for sentimental reasons. Gloves, look for decorative wrist ornaments and beading, lacy fabrics, and styles with the fingertips snipped off. Long gloves are an elegant complement to a gown with little or no sleeve. With a short sleeve, choose a short glove. A sleeveless gown or gown with elbow length sleeves looks lovely with elbow length gloves. Hope this helps!!!

A Basic Guide to Buying Gold Diamond Jewellery

Buying jewelry can be fun, exciting and confusing. Whetheryou're considering a gift of jewelry for someone special or as a treat foryourself, take some time to learn the terms used in the industry. Here's someinformation to help you get the best quality jewelry for your money, whetheryou're shopping in a traditional brick and mortar store by catalog or online.


The word gold,used by itself, means allgold or 24 karat (24K) gold. Because 24K gold is soft, it'susually mixed with other metals to increase its hardness and durability. If apiece of jewelry is not 24 karat gold, the karat quality should accompany anyclaim that the item is gold.

The karat qualitymarking tells you what proportion of gold is mixed with the other metals.Fourteen karat (14K) jewelry contains 14 parts of gold, mixed in throughout with 10 parts of basemetal. The higher the karat rating, the higher the proportion of gold in thepiece of jewelry.

Most jewelry ismarked with its karat quality, although marking is not required by law. Solid gold refersto an item made of any karat gold, if the inside of the item is not hollow. Theproportion of gold in the piece of jewelry still is determined by the karatmark.

Jewelry can beplated with gold in a variety of ways. Gold plate refers to items that are eithermechanically plated, electroplated, or plated by any other means with gold to abase metal. Eventually, gold plating wears away, but how soon will depend onhow often the item is worn and how thick the plating is.

Gold-filled, gold overlay and rolled gold plate are termsused to describe jewelry that has a layer of at least 10 karat goldmechanically bonded to a base metal. If the jewelry is marked with one of theseterms, the term or abbreviation should follow the karat quality of the goldused (for example, 14KGold Overlay or 12K RGP). If the layer of karat gold isless than 1/20th of the total weight of the item, any marking must state theactual percentage of karat gold, such as 1/40 14K Gold Overlay.

Gold electroplate describes jewelry that has a layer(at least .175 microns thick) of a minimum of 10 karat gold deposited on a basemetal by an electrolytic process. The terms gold flashed or gold washeddescribe products that have an extremely thin electroplating of gold (less than.175 microns thick). This will wear away more quickly than gold plate,gold-filled or gold electroplate.


Natural gemstones are found in nature. Laboratory-created stones, as the name implies, aremade in a laboratory. These stones, which also are referred to aslaboratory-grown, [name of manufacturer]-created, or synthetic, haveessentially the same chemical, physical and visual properties as naturalgemstones. Laboratory- created stones do not have the rarity of naturallycolored stones and they are less expensive than naturally mined stones. Bycontrast, imitation stones look like natural stones inappearance only, and may be glass, plastic, or less costly stones. Laboratory-created and imitation stones should be clearly identified as such.

Gemstones may be measured by weight, size, or both. Thebasic unit for weighing gemstones is the carat, which is equal to one-fifth(1/5th) of a gram. Carats are divided into 100 units, called points. For example, a half-carat gemstone would weigh .50 carats or 50 points. When gemstones are measured by dimensions, the size isexpressed in millimeters (for example, 7x5 millimeters).

Gemstone treatments or enhancements refer to theway some gems are treated to improve their appearance or durability, or evenchange their color. Many gemstones are treated in some way. The effects of sometreatments may lessen or change over time and some treated stones may requirespecial care. Some enhancements also affect the value of a stone, when measuredagainst a comparable untreated stone.

Jewelers should tell you whether the gemstone you'reconsidering has been treated when: the treatment is not permanent; the treatedstone requires special care; or the treatment significantly affects the valueof the gemstone.

Some common treatments that you may be told about andtheir effects include:

1. Heating can lighten, darken or change the color of some gems, or improve a gemstone's clarity.
2. Irradiation can add more color to colored diamonds, certain other gemstones and pearls.
3. Impregnating some gems with colorless oils, wax or resins makes a variety of imperfections less visible and can improve the gemstones' clarity and appearance.
4. Fracture filling hides cracks or fractures in gems by injecting colorless plastic or glass into the cracks and improves the gemstones' appearance and durability.
5. Diffusion treatment adds color to the surface of colorless gems; the center of the stone remains colorless.
6. Dyeing adds color and improves color uniformity in some gemstones and pearls.
7. Bleaching lightens and whitens some gems, including jade and pearls.


A diamond's value is based on four criteria: color, cut, clarity, and carat. The clarity and color of a diamond usually are graded. However, scales are not uniform: a clarity grade of "slightly included" may represent a different grade on one grading system versus another, depending on the terms used in the scale. Make sure you know how a particular scale and grade represent the color or clarity of the diamond you're considering. A diamond can be described as "flawless" only if it has no visible surface or internal imperfections when viewed under 10-power magnification by a skilled diamond grader.

As with other gems, diamond weight usually is stated in carats. Diamond weight may be described in decimal or fractional parts of a carat. If the weight is given in decimal parts of a carat, the figure should be accurate to the last decimal place. For example, ".30 carat" could represent a diamond that weighs between .295 - .304 carat. Some retailers describe diamond weight in fractions and use the fraction to represent a range of weights. For example, a diamond described as 1/2 carat could weigh between .47 - .54 carat. If diamond weight is stated as fractional parts of a carat, the retailer should disclose two things: that the weight is not exact, and the reasonable range of weight for each fraction or the weight tolerance being used.

Some diamonds may be treated to improve their appearance in similar ways as other gemstones. Since these treatments improve the clarity of the diamond, some jewelers refer to them as clarity enhancement. One type of treatment - fracture filling - conceals cracks in diamonds by filling them with a foreign substance. This filling may not be permanent and jewelers should tell you if the diamond you're considering has been fracture-filled.

Another treatment - lasering - involves the use of a laser beam to improve the appearance of diamonds that have black inclusions or spots. A laser beam is aimed at the inclusion. Acid is then forced through a tiny tunnel made by the laser beam to remove the inclusion. Lasering is permanent and a laser-drilled stone does not require special care.

While a laser-drilled diamond may appear as beautiful as a comparable untreated stone, it may not be as valuable. That's because an untreated stone of the same quality is rarer and therefore more valuable. Jewelers should tell you whether the diamond you're considering has been laser-drilled.

Imitation diamonds, such as cubic zirconia, resemble diamonds in appearance but are much less costly. Certain laboratory-created gemstones, such as lab-created moissanite, also resemble diamonds and may not be adequately detected by the instruments originally used to identify cubic zirconia. Ask your jeweler if he has the current testing equipment to distinguish between diamonds and other lab-created stones.

Tony’s background lies in sales & marketing and he has worked with both suppliers and end users worldwide for over 17 years in various industries, including electronics, contract manufacturing and subsequently polished diamonds and diamond jewellery.

Rolex Watches - Why Are They So Expensive And So Popular?

The market sets the price on all merchandise including Rolex watches. As long as someone is willing to pay the asking price, there is no reason to reduce that price. The company sells every watch that they make and have a waiting list for some of their models of up to 2 years. The question might be: are they worth the price? Judging from the ones I have seen that are 50 to 60 years old and still running well, and are in good condition, my answer would be "yes".

Where should you buy your watch? Most watches are purchased from an Authorized dealer within the USA. Some Non-authorized jewelers will also sell you a new watch. However, you should be aware that the company frowns heavily on this practice and will likely not honor any warranty on these watches even though they are 100% genuine. If you purchase your Rolex outside the USA, you are permitted to hand-carry one watch back into the country. Bringing more than one is considered a Trademark violation and all watches will be taken by US customs. You should always check with US customs before bringing any watch into the USA from overseas. Purchasing a Rolex by mail from overseas is also a trademark violation.

Many consumers are turning to eBay to purchase their high end watches. Thousands of Rolex watches are sold on eBay every year, probably tens of thousands. However, if you're considering going this route you should take every precaution that you can and that is still no guarantee that you'll get what you pay for. eBay does a very poor job of policing the site for counterfeits. They say that it's not their job to verify every auction, and I think they could be right. The seller should provide you with the full serial number, model number, and any paper work that's available. You should see close-up pictures of the exact watch that is being sold, including close-ups of the serial number and model number that are engraved between the lugs at the 6:00 and the 12:00 position. Once you have all this information, take it to someone who is an expert in identifying the genuine product.

The only true way to determine if the watch is genuine is to take it to an authorized technician, and have him remove the case back and do a thorough examination of the movement and the bracelet. This can be time consuming and costly but is the only sure way.

Pricing is reasonably firm at all authorized dealers. The company puts a suggested retail price on every watch. This price is usually found on the tag along with the serial number of the watch. Most authorized dealers will give you a small discount on their watches although Rolex frowns on this practice also. Contrary to popular belief they do not put a 300% markup on their watches. Not even close. I won't reveal the exact markup, but suffice it to say that the actual markup does not allow for much discount at all and still leave a profit for the dealer.

After wearing your watch for a few years you might notice that it is gaining or losing time. This might indicate that it needs servicing. If it's only off a few seconds a day this should not be a major concern. However, if you notice that it is losing several minutes in a 24 hour period then it will need to be serviced. There are two schools of thought on when a Rolex should be serviced if it is running properly. Many collectors say every 2 to 3 years. Rolex says every 5 years. My personal thoughts are 6 to 7 years assuming that the watch has been running continuously since it was new. By that I mean that if over the years the watch was allowed to go un-worn for months at a time, without running, and then worn for a few months, and then un-worn once again. Wearing the watch in this manner can cause more problems than wearing it all the time.

Quoting From Rolex:

Quality, style, respect for a great watchmaking tradition… there is no shortage of reasons for wearing a Rolex; indeed, a Rolex watch would not be such a unique and coveted object of desire were it not the product of exceptional craftsmanship. What makes a Rolex so distinctive is the alliance of technology coupled with a unique philosophy. Pioneering spirit and the pursuit of perfection, qualities first embodied by the founder of Rolex, Hans Wilsdorf, continue to the present day, and those personalities who represent the Rolex name in advertising are testimony to this Watchmaking perfection and an abiding philosophy… these are the reasons why you wear more than just a watch when you wear a Rolex.

Love And The Purchase Of Gemstone Gifts

There are never enough ways to show your partner or significant other the love you have for them. The words “I love you” say an awful lot and there can be no substitute. Fine jewelry comes a close second.

There are lots of colorful gemstones that are associated with love. Red stones stand for the heart, a passion and for life. When we think of red, we commonly consider ruby as the jewelry gemstone of choice. There are less pricey variants like red spinel, red tourmaline and the most inexpensive like red garnet. All these are natural gemstones, full of symbolism and are truly beautiful – ideal for a loving gift.

To represent your faithfulness and persistence, you can opt for green gems. It is not only emerald that is green, although that would be a wonderful choice. There is green garnet and green tourmaline. To symbolize your spirituality and pureness, blue gems are those to look for. Besides sapphire, you may also have blue tourmaline, blue iolite and blue spinel.

But if you have a bigger budget to spend you, of course, may want to give those stones with a combination of diamonds. With diamond, it always symbolizes eternity and can never be outclassed. Have you considered, however, the genuineness of pearl? It shows love and purity and displays elegance. Traditionally, birthstones are good options as gifts too as they symbolize the connection of you and your loved one's destiny.

Saying, “I love you” with jewelry is always possible – with an eye on practicality and wisdom.

Jewelry Is The Gift Of Love

There are never enough ways to show your partner or significant other the love you have for them. The words “I love you” say an awful lot and there can be no substitute. Fine jewelry comes a close second.

Roses and chocolates are surpassed by the merest whiff of jewelry. Roses may be red and violets blue but, let's face it – diamonds are forever.

A woman should be showered with praises and presents that would symbolize the love that the man has for her. And often. True love cannot be measured but it can be rewarded. Jewelry is the ideal way to show a woman that you love her.

Guys need not worry anymore. Though you may not be able to give expensive jewelry like diamonds, romantic yet affordable jewelry choices are now in stores and online. Special moments are still possible with these new soulful and inexpensive jewelry types. It just needs thought.

Saying “I love you” with jewelry can persuade a man to be more confident with the love they can give. Jewelry is showy – and giving it demands confidence. In this modern time, giving a ring represents the beautiful, extraordinary and treasured love you and your loved one promised to share. Jewelry doesn’t need to cost much and it need not to be a diamond or other precious gem. Even high royalties receives engagement rings in sapphire or ruby. Jewelry should, however, express the kind, considerate and caring significance of the love and positive emotion that a man has for a woman.

By buying a gift of jewelry you will be making someone special and you will have the knowledge that you have given a tangible symbol of love.

Choosing Diamonds

Should we be in the market to buy a diamond it is important to consider the requirements for both right choice for financial investment and the matter of personal taste, if it is for sentimental purposes.

Although a superficial knowledge of the range of diamonds on offer in the marketplace can be quite daunting, it is good to have a solid grounding regarding the market value of genuine stones and also the common signs to recognize a good quality as well as an inferior diamond.

Firstly, diamonds are marketed worldwide and are registered on a system established in New York to determine accurate market value to the industry. These values are the main reference for diamond merchants and the Rapaport Diamond Report as it is called, is revised every month. Most wholesale dealers confine their trading prices to these guidelines and prices will not vary more than a few percent throughout the world. This provides a certain stability, which generally allows the buyer to have confidence in the price being asked. But this is the basic wholesale price, to which must be added import duties and sales taxes, which differ in various countries.

As a consumer we must then relate to the retail price, which will certainly vary. It is difficult to compare prices in the marketplace as the quality of a stone will differ and without a true comparison we have only each jeweler’s certificate and report to refer to when trying to determine value. The quality of the diamond is vital to both monetary value and its practical suitability in an item of jewelry.

Although there are synthetic diamonds produced, they are not generally of gem size and used mainly in industry. But there are many synthetic stones, which are of excellent quality and even compare with some diamonds in their brilliance. However, the only way to avoid the problem is to trade directly with a diamond dealer in order to be certain that every stone is genuine and without flaws.

The shape of a diamond is very important as well as its ‘cut’. The latter will determine its brilliance. Generally the round stone with its complex faceting such as the ‘Princess’ is most popular but this varies with fashion. The color of the stone remains most popular in its pure translucency so the white diamond still holds supremacy in this regard. However, there are tinted diamonds found naturally and these are becoming more and more popular. But the techniques for coloring diamonds are evolving, as is a method of concealing flaws. So beware of these factors. Any commercial gain in value is bound to receive a technological push.

The weight of a diamond is measured in ‘carats’. This establishes its value so the deeper proportioned stones will be of higher value and cost and the shallow shaped stones naturally will be cheaper and often will be as appropriate for use once set in an item of jewelry.

The information on the certificate of each diamond offered for sale will also give the diameter and this is possible to check against the stone you are considering as some discrepancies can occur here. The standard diameter for a 1-carat diamond is 6.5 mm.

Most diamonds however, will have a degree of fluorescence. Request the fluorescence test, which if it gives a strong reaction is not as favorable as another because the stone may vary its color under different conditions and daylight.

If you are shopping for a diamond already set in a ring it is likely that you have no option but to rely upon the integrity of the dealer and this will make your choice easier as it will be confined to the aesthetics and pure pleasure in its appearance, already displayed in the setting of your choice. A diamond will always be beautiful in the eye of the beholder.

But if you are shopping for an investment diamond, you must be more discriminating, Seek all the information you can before you buy a stone that you can count upon in time will return you more dollars than you paid.

So Many Ring Types

Today most people wear rings - more specifically finger rings - just as a form of ornament. But in more ancient times they had a greater significance. In days gone by some rings were believed to contain magical powers (talismanic rings) and yet others were rings of deep personal significance from which one would be classified in society

In earliest Egypt, rings signified the authority of a person. These rings were the forerunners of what we now term signet rings and they had carved scarabs or imprinted hieroglyphs. The Greeks on the other hand wore golden bands mostly with carved stone or other forms of engraving. The early Romans decreed the wearing of rings by law - during earlier times iron rings were worn by everybody whom were freeborn and top ranking citizens were allowed to wear gold rings under the early empire. Later on the freeborn citizens wore gold rings, slaves that were freed wore silver and all slaves wore iron rings.

The wearing of wedding rings came in as early as the Roman times - matrons wore wedding rings to indicate their authority in the household. Early Christians also wore signet rings. During the Middle Ages bishops obtain a ring as a part of the ceremony of consecration and Popes traditionally received the Fisherman’s ring. This latter ring is a signet ring that contains a symbol which represents Saint Peter in a fishing boat with the name of the Pope around it. This ring is used by the Pope to attest his Papal briefs and is then destroyed when he dies. Kings are also usually given a ring during their coronation. Not until the 16th century was it that the wearing of rings became popular, usually with a set of jewels. Rings of all types including signet rings are, of course,still worn today.

Engagement rings have also been given since ancient times but not until the 15th century was it that they were made with diamonds. This is similar for wedding rings - the gold bands only came later during the 16th century. In America today married women wear both their engagement ring and wedding band while married men often wear just their wedding band.

Nowadays many signet rings are made for graduating students. They contain an engraved logo of their degree or profession and as such they are called a graduation rings. Some also have a ring made for their organization or fraternity. Some doctors have their own rings given to them after they receive their license to practice. There are rings that are very popular for kids - some even come free in their cereal boxes! Mood rings tend to change their color depending on the mood of the wearer and special decoder rings that decodes secret messages on a letter it comes with are also examples of ring varieties.

There are lots of other designs that would surely fit everybody’s taste. Whatever the type, style or reason, the wearing of rings is still popular to this day.

Millefiori Pendant Jewelry

Murano glass jewelry is made from original Murano glass. Murano glass comes from the Murano, the glasswork capital of the world in the 13th Century. Glass working technologies such as crystalline glass, milleflori, enameled glass, multi-colored glass, smoke glass, and milk gas all came from Murano.

The most popular jewelry made from Morano Ventian glass beads are Millefiori pendants. Millefiori, which stands for a thousand flowers, gets its name from several floral designs and geometric shapes, which build up its mosaic design. The mosaic appearance of Millefiori pendants is due to the designs of the glass rods themselves.

The glass rods are made of multiple layers of colored glass fused together making up a uniform design along the cross section of the rod. These designed rods are heated so they become soft enough to stretch, all the while maintaining its cross section design. Stretching the rods makes them easier to cut into the many small tubes, which are responsible for the intricate design of the millefiore. These tubes are then carefully laid out, piece by piece, in a metal ring, which may vary in both size and shape depending on the desired result.

Common shapes of millefiore pendants are sometimes hearts, stars, but more commonly just circles. Once all the tubes or disks are laid out nicely, the pieces are heated in a furnace to fuse. What comes from this is the completed centerpiece of the pendant. The pendant is completed by framing the gem in sterling silver or gold and then strung with a chain.

Monday, May 07, 2007

The Making Of Murano Glass

Murano glass jewelry, as the name implies, is made from original Murano glass. Murano glass comes from Murano, which was the glasswork capital of the world in the 13th Century. Glass working technologies such as crystalline glass, milleflori, enameled glass, multi-colored glass, smoke glass, and milk gas all came from Murano.

Murano glass beads, which are more commonly known as Venetian beads, are made from Murano glass canes. These glass canes are made of 70% silica or sand. The rest of them are made of soda and lime, and some additives for lowering the melting point, extending its molten state, modifying its color, or perhaps prevent the glass from bubbling. The class canes are cut using a tagianti, the glass maker’s cutting tool for both glass and the copper rod used for holding the glass. The cut portions of cane are then melted using open flame lamps or blowtorches.

When glass becomes fluid, at a temperature of about 800F, the glass worker uses copper rods, now commonly copper mandrels, to scoop a small portion of the molten cane. At this temperature, there are times when embers of glass pop which can result in burns. Protective gear such as rubber gloves and glass shields are used to make the work safer. When a drop of glass is already stuck on the copper rod, it is still heated in the lamp and shaped using one of many shaping tools.

Once the shape is final, other decorations such as gold strips, silver strips, etc may be wrapped around or inside the glass. The glass is hot worked once more, then allowed to cool in a bed of silica called vermiculite. Once the bead is finished, the extension of the mandrel is simply chopped off, and using nitric acid solution, the embedded portion is dissolved.

The Tools For Murano Glassmaking

Murano glass jewelry is highly sought after throughout the world. The artisans that produce this jewelry are highly skilled and accomplished craftsmen with traditions dating back several centuries.

As with other kinds of glass, Murano glass is made from fine silica. The silica melts when exposed to high temperatures and becomes molten glass. After it hardens, it becomes solid glass. When glass is in its semi-molten state, it can be bent or shaped, stretched or packed, or hot worked in other ways.

To shape and work with glass as they do, the Murano glassmakers make use of special tools to get the job done. One of the main tools is the borselle, the name of the tongs, which are used to hand handle glass while in its molten state so that it can be formed, bent, and shaped accordingly. For creations which are meant to be containers, a tool called canna da soffio (blowing pipe) is used to blow the inside portion of the glass so it expands and adheres to the contour of its mold. The pontello is used with this tool to hold the glass while it is blown and after it is blown. It also makes it easy for the craftsman to add the final touches to the glasswork before it hardens thoroughly. The scagno is the glassmaker’s workbench. The final tool is the tagianti, a pair of clippers, which is used to cut through glass.

Having the right tools is not enough for anyone to work with glass as the Murano masters do. Hotworking glass is a very sensitive process, especially if your goal is to shape glass to create very attractive works of art. Considerable effort must be put into detail to make glass art look its best. If you wish to put things in perspective and learn just how difficult working with glass is, try heating up a small glass tube, then try stretching it evenly along its length without splitting the tube in two.

Beautiful Murano Glass

Murano glass inherits its name from the master glass artisans of Murano from way back in the 13th century. Back then, glassmakers were regarded very highly, and were the most prominent people in society because of the monopoly in quality glass art, jewelry, and other accessories. This trend went on for centuries, but despite the efforts of Venice to contain the technology of Murano’s glass artistry, other glassmakers started to emerge in some parts of Italy.

Today, glass-working technologies are already widespread, but the finest glass works still come from Murano. Throughout the centuries, Murano’s glass masters have refined their techniques and were able to develop crystalline glass, enameled glass (smalto), glass with threads of gold (aventurine), multicolored glass (millefiori), milk glass (lattimo), and imitation gemstones made of glass. Make no mistake about it, the intricately-designed pendants, beads, and gems that are very common nowadays take a lot of work to make.

As with other kinds of glass, Murano glass is made from fine silica. The silica melts when exposed to high temperatures and becomes molten glass. After it hardens, it becomes solid glass. When glass is in its semi-molten state, it can be bent or shaped, stretched or packed, or hot worked in other ways. The time that glass stays in its semi-molten state before it hardens depends on the amount of sodium oxide mixed with the silica. Flux, or melting agents, may also be added to the mixture before heating so that melting is possible at lower temperatures than the normal melting point of the silica. Nitrate and arsenic are also added to prevent bubbling during melting so that the glass retains its surface texture. To add color to glass, additional reagents are included, like a gold solution to produce a ruby red color, or copper and cobalt solution to produce an aquamarine color. Glass is normally transparent after melting, but additional reagents may be added to make the resulting glass opaque.

The traditions of Murano and its glassmakers continues to this day and the fine jewelry that is its result is sought after throughout the world.

Citrine - Yellow Quartz

Citrine, which is commonly dubbed as a gold topaz, is the most valuable form of quartz (although other forms of quartz such as red brownish quartz, and radiant yellow quartz are more sought after). This is because over the years, citrine has taken over topaz in both its name and use. topaz is a superior gem compared to citrine, however, the former is too expensive for general use. In reality, citrine has very little in common with real topaz, except for a few similarities in color. Citrine gets its name for the color yellow, and thus it is yellow quartz. Citrine is derived from the old French word “citrin,” which means lemon.

Yellow quartz does exists in nature although very rarely. It forms in places where Amethyst formations are near natural heat sources like deep in the earth’s crust. The synthetic production of citrine is also based on this. Amethyst is heated at 878F, although oftentimes heating manually may not always be uniform, thus the process cannot be perfected unless practiced thoroughly, which is why there are some occurrences of combined purple and yellow colors resulting from it. This form of quartz is called ametrine. Synthetic citrine is distinguishable for genuine citrine due to some burnt streaks, or in some cases some red tints left behind while heating. Genuine quartz is paler in color, and is usually dull and cloudy.

As mentioned, citrine is substituted for topaz. In this aspect, citrine has been known by many names like gold topaz, Madiera topaz (genuine Madiera citrine is valued very highly on its own), Brazilian topaz, and citrine topaz. Because of this connection, citrine and topaz have shared the role of being birthstones for November. Citrine is, of course secondary to topaz. Both stones are also believed to have healing powers.

Citrine is considered to be the stone of self of esteem, and is primarily used to prevent or treat feelings of anxiety, lack of self-confidence, and depression. The power of these stones is believed to be connected to the third chakra (spiritual energy). This kind of chakra is located in the area below the navel and is responsible for personality formation and personal well being. When flow in this area is blocked, a person becomes manipulative and greedy. If the flow is unrestricted, the effects of these negative attitudes are counter acted, making a person feel more confident and well rounded.

In effect, these stones have been believed to allow people to handle negative criticisms better, and also handle the pressure when dealing with problems in finances, fears, and other anxieties. They are also believed to improve the functions of the urinary, digestive, and circulatory systems, resulting in better health and prevention of ailments caused by harmful toxins in the body. Also, because of the stones’ effect to improve body conditions and emotional stability, the stones are also used to help people sleep if they suffer from restlessness, insomnia, and emotional unrest due to stress caused by personal problems. The stones can give people peace of mind and the soothing feeling of relaxation.

The Beauty Of Charm Bracelets

Women are known for their love of jewelry. And why not – beautiful jewelry and accessories can adorn their ears, neck, wrists and ankles. The designs and type of accessories continues to evolve because of the constant demand. One of the most in-demand types and something that is often worn is the bracelet. A Bracelet is an accessory that is worn around the wrist (or sometimes the ankle – anklet). It may be made from different materials like leather, metal or cloth and, of course, gold, silver and pearls. Different types of bracelets are seen circulating around but one of the most traditional types – though less worn today - of bracelet is called the charm bracelet.

A charm bracelet is a kind of bracelet containing several pendants or trinkets adorning the chain. The pendants are referred to as charms. The owner of the bracelet herself usually handpicks the charms that are attached to the chain. Charms may also be given as a gift and can reflect the particular interests of desires of the wearer. Charm bracelets are often heard tingling because of the collision of the different charms attached to the chain.

A charm bracelet may still be popular nowadays but its history traces back to something more spiritual. During the ancient times, charms were worn to drive out evil spirits. People believed that when an individual wore it, they were able to cast away bad luck. Before, charms were not necessarily precious stones or metals. They could just be anything that a person considered to be a source of good fortune. Also, they didn’t necessarily put the charms in a bracelet form. They just made sure to take the charms everywhere they went.

Then the Egyptian Pharaohs started putting valuable stones into charms and in bracelet forms. They used charm bracelets as a status symbol. Aside from that, they also believed that charm bracelets could help the gods to guide the wearer ands allow him or her to have proper status in the after life.

The spiritual concept of charm bracelets started to fade during the twentieth century when Queen Victoria decided to use them for fashion. Then it was considered to be the age when charm bracelets started to be recognized as an item of fashion and not as tools for life.

After this event, charm bracelets continued to evolve as different kinds of charms became available on the market. During the 1940s, there was a craze wherein charms made from celluloid were collected by kids from gumball machines and candy boxes. Kids would collect these and string them into a beaded chain. During the 1950s, charm bracelets became a must-have accessory for women. Women used the bracelets to record important events in their life like their graduation, their wedding and the arrival of children. However, during the early part of the 1970s, the craze for charm bracelets decreased because the new fad was plain gold chains.

It was during the 1990s when a huge demand for vintage charms sprung up. During this time, charms were sold at a bigger price but still the demand didn’t go down. The fad for charm bracelets continued since fashion giants like Louis Vuitton brought back their glamour in 2001.

Engagement Rings - The Secret To Eternal Love

The engagement is the first step of joining the two halves - man and woman - into one complete wholesome being. The engagement day is seen to be the beginning of a new life as a complete soul for both the bride and groom. You know getting engaged is one of the most felicitous experiences in everybody’s life, so make these beautiful moments unforgettable forever.

It is considered that prior to the engagement or marriage neither man nor is woman a complete entity. Engagement is a crucial stage for men and women. In women’s life it is one of the most significant psychological transitions. At one side the newly engaged woman often obsessed with fear, anxiety and sadness. And on other side a man has to get plenty of courage to ask for her hand in marriage. But if you a great mesmerizing engagement ring then your task becomes much easier. A unique looking engagement ring can make any lady ecstatic.

In any engagement ceremony, engagement rings always play a pivotal role for both men and women. A prized engagement ring will definitely bring a smile on your lady’s charming face and will be cherished by her forever. An engagement ring is a symbol of emotions such as love, commitment, eternity, honor, loyalty and promise towards each other. This inherently conditional gift is a great way to start your healthy marriage and to strengthen your relationship. So increases the quality and quantity of your love, relationship and dedication right from the beginning.

Now choices in engagement rings are endless like diamond engagement ring, pearl studded ring and gold or platinum rings. Among all these, diamond ring is mostly preferred by people due to its unique physical properties and look. Diamond ring can be made of gold, silver or platinum. While selecting an engagement ring, you should also figure out that what shape would your partner like better. And you can choose your favorite ring from these sparkling cuts that are round, oval, princess-cut, emerald-cut, Asscher-cut, marquise-cut, radiant-cut, pear-shaped as well as heart-shaped diamond cut . And among all, heart shape cut diamond ring is considered as most sentimental and romantic. So make your day extra special with these special rings.

If you are looking for engagement ring, then the best place to select your ring is no other than online jewelry stores. You can easily surf through different jewelry web sites that offer wide range of engagement rings at affordable prices. So choose your ring from this user friendly spot and bring extra smile on your lady’s beautiful face.

Diamond Engagement Rings, 4 Easy Steps To Choosing The Perfect One

For centuries diamond engagement rings have been the hallmark of eternal love and beauty. That is why it is always given as a symbol of a promise for marriage. Being an informed consumer can.

First, plan yourself a budget, this will help you quickly find the right diamond ring. Remember for some of you, your budget might not be as high as you would want it to be, but keep in mind that it is always possible to exchange and reset diamonds at a later date.

Next would be to choose the style of engagement ring. Remember you are buying the ring for her, try to notice what type of jewelry she already wears, is it yellow gold or platinum, contemporary, vintage, or a more simple style. Would she rather have a diamond solitaire or maybe multiple diamonds on her rings, maybe you can also find what kind of diamond cut she would prefer.

Choosing the right diamond for her engagement ring is probably the most important step. But do not worry, it is not too complicated. Learn of the "4 C's" and make the right choice. The "4 C's" consist of the diamonds characteristics, its cut, color, clarity and carat (weight). Shopping online to choose the diamond for her engagement ring has made it easier for you to choose the perfect diamond rings, with a huge variety of diamonds available online and at low wholesale price you can easily customize the ring to your budget.

Lastly, choose the setting for the ring. You can choose from various metals such as: yellow gold, white gold or platinum. Gold has long been the metal of choice, with platinum quickly becoming the new desired metal by women. Mostly due to its high luster, high durability, and resistance to tarnish. It is even hypoallergenic making platinum ideal rings for those with sensitive skin. There are also various setting for the diamond to choose from such as prong settings, channel settings, bezel settings and more.

With this new information in mind, you can make an educated purchase on the perfect diamond engagement ring for your cherished loved one, and save money at the same time! For more information visit Engagement rings

Amber Jewelry - To Balance Your Mood

One of the most precious gems we have is amber. It is a form of mineral but it is actually an organic substance. It comes as a resin from a prehistoric tree that has hardened by nature over a long period of years. It is then carved to make bracelets, necklaces, beads and earrings or other types of ornamentation. It has been used by ancient people for ornament and decoration - amber jewelry.

Amber gems are divided into four. The most abundant is the Baltic amber or most often called succinite amber. It was called succinite because it contains considerable amounts of succinite acid and most of it came from pine tree resin. Burmite (Burmese amber), Semitite (Sicilian amber), and Rumanite (Rumanian amber) are the other three groups of amber and these are considered rare and extinct. Burmite can only be recovered through mining and its principal colors vary from red to brown. Sicilian amber is recovered from an area around Simento River in Sicily and displays the darker shade of red while Rumanian amber shows the darker colors of red that looks like almost black in color. Some amber gems can also be found in Russia, USA, and Germany and even in Dominican Republic.

Amber is capable of being highly polished. It was a treasured jewelry item in Paleolithic people as well as Greeks and Romans – termed “Gold of the North” at the height of the Roman Empire. Many would be surprised to know that Baltic amber naturally occurs in 250 colors and can therefore complement virtually any color of clothing.

An example of amber with an inclusion is the one used in the famous movie “Jurassic Park”. Because of that film break, amber jewelry became more popular. Amber jewelry is now easily available on the open market but frequently embellished with other enhancement techniques to enliven and brighten the stone

For centuries, wearing amber jewelry was thought to bring good health to the wearer as it is thought to balance the person’s mood, and even lessen depression or anxiety.

Amber gems are divided into four. The most abundant is the Baltic amber or most often called succinite amber. It was called succinite because it contains considerable amounts of succinite acid and most of it came from pine tree resin. Burmite (Burmese amber), Semitite (Sicilian amber), and Rumanite (Rumanian amber) are the other three groups of amber and these are considered rare and extinct. Burmite can only be recovered through mining and its principal colors vary from red to brown. Sicilian amber is recovered from an area around Simento River in Sicily and displays the darker shade of red while Rumanian amber shows the darker colors of red that looks like almost black in color. Some amber gems can also be found in Russia, USA, and Germany and even in Dominican Republic.

Amber is capable of being highly polished. It was a treasured jewelry item in Paleolithic people as well as Greeks and Romans – termed “Gold of the North” at the height of the Roman Empire. Many would be surprised to know that Baltic amber naturally occurs in 250 colors and can therefore complement virtually any color of clothing.

An example of amber with an inclusion is the one used in the famous movie “Jurassic Park”. Because of that film break, amber jewelry became more popular. Amber jewelry is now easily available on the open market but frequently embellished with other enhancement techniques to enliven and brighten the stone

For centuries, wearing amber jewelry was thought to bring good health to the wearer as it is thought to balance the person’s mood, and even lessen depression or anxiety.

Tips For Choosing The Perfect Wedding Ring

One of the biggest decisions that you are going to make for your wedding is the choice of a wedding ring. While most of your wedding will be a one day memory, your wedding ring will be something that you will be wearing for the years to come. You want to make sure that you make a great choice so you will be happy with your wedding rings, both now, and in the future as well. The following are a few tips that will help you pick the perfect wedding rings for you.

Tip #1 - Start Shopping Early - If you want to be able to find the perfect wedding rings, you will want to make sure that you start your wedding ring shopping early. Some people may leave it until the last minute, but this may result in you picking out rings just because you are in a hurry, and not because you really love them. It can also take a few weeks to get your rings sized, and you want to be sure that you have your rings ready on your wedding day. If you start shopping about 6-12 months before your wedding, you will have the time to compare a variety of different styles and prices, to get a great deal, and rings that you adore.

Tip #2 - Decide on the Metal you Really Want - You do not want to be pressured into any specific kind of wedding ring, so you may want to decide what kind of metal you are interested in before you go out looking. Your choices will include gold, silver, and platinum, but the difference in metal will definitely be reflected in the price of your ring. Because platinum rings are so much more expensive, some stores may try to get you to purchase this kind of ring, but if you have your heart set on a gold ring, do not let a pushy salesperson talk you into something that is beyond your budget.

Tip #3 - Choose a Reputable Jeweler - Another tip that will help you make sure that you get the perfect wedding rings is to be sure to pick a reputable jeweler to purchase your rings from. You want to make sure that your rings are of the best quality, and you also want to be able to trust the person you are working with as well. If you are not sure who to choose, you may want to talk to some friends or relatives to find out what jewelers they may like, or even check out a company online to find out if there have been any complaints filed against them.

You want your wedding rings to last a lifetime, just like your love, and find the right ones is very important. Following these three tips can help you find the rings that are meant for you for a great price.