Women have been accessorizing since the dawn of civilization. Handbags, shoes, and jewelry all have to be carefully chosen to enhance an outfit to perfection. There are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration when accessorizing however including color, style, body shape, personality and expense.
The color of an outfit will, to some extent, determine what jewelry should be worn as a complimentary addition. Brightly colored outfits won’t need any more color adding to them -- a simple gold or silver necklace and bracelet set and possibly a small pair of plain earrings will suffice. Adding more than this will look overdone and, in some cases, quite tacky. For dark outfits however, a touch of color will help liven things up without becoming overstated. Sparkly jewelry is great with black and other dark colors, as are colored gemstones set in silver or platinum. Use your initiative but bear in mind the occasion; funerals for example do not need masses of sparkly jewelry.
The style of the outfit is also a big consideration when accessorizing. The wrong choice of jewelry can make a beautiful outfit look plain silly. For example, imagine matching a gorgeous sexy little number with a leather thong necklace and a nose ring! When it comes to style, common sense and initiative are two important concepts that need to be employed. Elegant clothing requires elegant and understated jewelry whereas party clothing requires something a bit more bold and noticeable.
It is also worth taking body shape into account when picking out jewelry. Dainty jewelry on an athletic or larger frame may look a little lost and so larger pieces will look better in this instance. A long slim neck might become overemphasized by some types of necklace but it might look incredible with a pair of long dangly earrings. It is important to find out what looks right with the contours of your body and to purchase jewelry items that only highlight the parts you want highlighted.